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  • 180,000+ medical terms from top sources trusted by healthcare professionals.
  • Authoritative definitions from McGraw-Hill, Houghton Mifflin, Elsevier, Mosby's, Saunders, Dorland's, Gale, and more.
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Download dictionary.com android, dictionary.com android, dictionary.com android download free. Nov 01, 2019  Dictionary.com is the leading free English dictionary app for Android. So, what does that mean? We’ll define it for you! We’ve got more than 1.5 million definitions and synonyms to help improve your vocabulary, study for the SAT. Nov 27, 2017  Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows 10 Team (Surface Hub). See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for Dictionary.

Dictionary Com Download For Android
  • 58,000+ legal definitions from multiple law dictionary sources and a legal thesaurus, all from industry-leading publishers trusted by scholars, jurists, and attorneys.
  • Offline content.
  • Clear, in-depth entries on important legal cases, precedents, movements, and individuals significant to the history of law.

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  • 26,000+ financial and business terms from multiple business dictionary sources, all from industry-leading publishers.
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  • Clear, in-depth entries on investing, financial analysis, banking, international business, taxes, insurance, micro and macroeconomics, and more.
  • 330,000+ encyclopedia articles from multiple sources, all from industry-leading publishers.
  • 24,000+ images, including vivid photos, illustrations, and charts.
  • Covers a vast array of topics, including history, science, art, culture, and the natural world, featuring extensive information on countries, prominent figures, and much more.
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  • 56,000+ definitions from multiple medical dictionary sources trusted by nursing and healthcare professionals.
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  • Covers side effects, drug class, administration, treatment methods, interactions, contraindications, off-label uses, chemical makeup, generic and brand names, patient monitoring, and much more.
  • 44,000+ definitions from a comprehensive, industry-leading veterinary dictionary.
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  • 28,000+ architecture terms from multiple authoritative architecture encyclopedias and dictionaries, all from industry-leading publishers.
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  • Search by date to see which holidays occur on that day, or search by name to find specific holidays.
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Dictionary Apps For Android

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  • Las formas conjugadas de los verbos.
  • 96,000+ German definitions, including verb conjugations and audio pronunciations of words.
  • Thousands of words available in the free offline German dictionary. No additional downloads required!
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  • Über 96.000 deutsche Definitionen
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  • 58,000+ Russian definitions, including audio pronunciations of words.
  • 56,000+ words available in the free offline Russian dictionary. No additional downloads required!
  • Translate words from Russian to English.
  • 58 000+ слов в русском словаре.
  • 56 000+ слов доступны офлайн.
  • Произношение русских слов.